Categories: Essays

by Travis Lewis


Following is an excerpt from chapter 38 of my autobiography, I Was A Sharecropper’s Son. Beginning at various points on this website,, the hard-bound, 437-page publication may be purchased. This excerpt begins on page 424 of the autobiography and, being near the book’s conclusion, it is written in the pretext of summarizing life from a rearview mirror.

The photo associated with this article shows a portion of the Lewis farm where we often pause for reminiscing and meditation on what human life, and ours in particular, is all about.


By Travis W. Lewis

July 27, 2022

I realize that, at this point in my life, not much time may remain to add value to the lives of those alongside whom I now travel or whose paths I have crossed. Only God knows!

Yet, as I see the sunset of life drawing near, I suppose it is only natural to entertain such thoughts pertaining to what life has truly been worth; or whether the labor of my hands and mind have achieved anything worthwhile. Has the summary of my lifespan produced a positive or a negative result inside the circles within which I lived and moved and had my being? Have the lives I have touched been made better, or have I contributed more uneasiness and friction than peace and goodwill? Or, by far most important – have my actions and my words corresponded with, and thus drawn attention to, the beauty of godliness and to every soul’s need for genuine hope beyond this life? Or, have what they heard and saw of me tended to drive them away or to turn their attention elsewhere?

I know – if we take at face value many of the central messages we hear at funerals or see on social media memorials, everybody, almost without exception, goes to Heaven. Matter of fact, most social media entries we see which pertain to such insinuate that all our forebears are there now celebrating reunions and birthdays and anniversaries, listening for messages being beamed from carnality on earth; and, all the while those messages from afar continue to pour in as they sing and stroll in total contentment with spouses and parents and other loved ones who have likewise “gained their wings” [1] and await our arrival. Why, to many, even their dead pets are in waiting as well. [2] And all these novel ideas are soon picked up and glorified by the masses. While simply knowing that we do not know is an ideal starting point for knowledge of the truth, yet it remains so that glorification of an unsound theory takes ignorance closer to the dreadful point of no return.

Be that as it is, regardless of how hollow the logic or reasoning, everyone surely has a right to fabricate whatever views that suit their fancy, even with no logical reason to believe that such a view corresponds with reality, or Truth. In the early 1980s, as previously mentioned, I began in earnest to pray for light from Heaven to see Truth, even if it should cross those once revered lines of tradition or social and family ties. [3] As time passed, a continually higher and more painful toll was exacted – from traditional associations [4], from circles of friends, and even from family relations.

In review, I recognize many such ways of life and paradigms that once would have been considered shameful and even blasphemous began at first to be overlooked, then gradually became commonplace, and have at last reached the status of being glorified. And those who dare to resist glorification of such are relegated to a clan of diehards and rebels. As we seek and discuss and even fight to the death for a “better” way, why does our constant search seemingly prove to only carry us farther from the utopia that we have often been promised?


With such questions, I continue to wrestle and ponder, especially during the past few decades of my almost spent life. Though I may have to await eternity for some of the more elusive answers, my prayer and ponderings have clarified much that has stood the test of time and study, and of Scripture. This section articulates only a few of those life questions to which I am convinced that clear answers have been found, though sometimes we must unlearn – to learn.

The doctrine that says, “There is no truth.”, though self-contradictory, has subtly led general society away from believing anything to be transcendental and empirical. Thanks to the hesitance of the institutional church to establish and maintain a stand on some of God’s basic rules for steadfast hope and lasting happiness, our society has suffered great pain and sad loss. Having failed to sufficiently resist the drift of public education toward secularism, the church institution has defaulted in the arguments about mankind’s origin and relented to anti-biblical worldviews of how we best interact and live in peace.

There can be no argument that religion shapes our culture, and culture invariably shapes our politics. If so, then why all the mulling over the reasons our political institutions are so corrupted? With failure of religion, or flawed views of spiritual matters, we have moved from existential beliefs about our origin and our purpose and our destiny toward a view teaching that, though there may be a Supreme Being, one view of such an entity, or entities, is equal to any other. That, too, is self-contradictory. History will record that mostly during my lifetime, truth began to be considered transitory, and nowhere is that worldview more evident than in the political world. Yet, regardless of popular trend, truth must exist regarding the actual origin of human life. A transcendent fact, truth, whether recognized by me or anyone else, actually does exists regarding the origin of humankind. Truly – it was the way it was and cannot be changed, regardless of ever-changing theory. And, outside the worldview that a master Creator employed an infinitely intelligent design from the beginning, not even human life is coherent.

Yet, of the countless worldviews which prevail and continually clash, each must respond to at least four very basic questions:

      • First is the ORIGIN of humankind. From where did we come? Whether we accept the “young earth”, “old earth”, or some other concocted theory that meshes both; whether, as some believe, we evolved from a single living cell to turtles to monkeys to baby boys, or some mixture of these theories of our origin – out there somewhere stands the Truth amongst it all. Regardless of how I frame my view of human origin, the Truth of it all is not altered. My contention derives from what I perceive to be the biblical worldview – that humankind was “created”, which demands a “Creator.” If we slowly evolved, then surely somewhere still on the face of this planet, there must exist some missing links – some species much more like humankind than what is supposed to be our nearest of living kin, the chimpanzees and gorillas.

Neither Scripture, history, nor the sum of all the archeological efforts which time has produced reveal depth of details that we often question. Though my purpose is not to argue our connection or lack thereof to the “monkey kingdom”, many of the same questions remain. My contention stands that man alone, of all which our Creator created, was formed and set to life in His image – singularly capable of communicating with, imitating, and loving our Creator and one another in manner and extent with which no other part of creation was endowed. We, humankind, were surely the pinnacle of all His creation. And, as part of creation, our Creator remained sovereign, all wise (omniscient), all powerful (omnipotent), and ever present (omnipresent).

Inherent to the motive of our Creator was that the greatest pleasure of all He made, humankind, would voluntarily – and wholly – conform to His nature in every way. All other living things were to be under the dominion, and for the benefit, of mankind. We call that final creation “humanity” – “mankind.”

So, with all that, our prime forebears were set into a literally perfect environment – spiritual, social, physical, at peace with all their surroundings, at peace with one another, and at peace with their Creator. Not least importantly, since without choices freedom hardly exists, they were free to choose the ways of their Maker, or to rebel and forfeit it all. Furthermore, the penalty for their potential infidelity would be pronounced not only upon themselves but also on all their posterity.

Not having more details on our origin from the Christian bible, and with invariable failure of humankind to offer a more logical or provable answer, I am fully persuaded that we are the product of a divine Creator. Though many more reasons support my worldview, one’s view on the origin of mankind is fundamental to the way in which he or she conducts life.

      • Second, WHAT HAS GONE WRONG? Why can we not all just get along? For what reason have the supposedly smartest minds and strongest wills throughout history not figured out a way that prevents us from constantly being at one another’s throats, striving to impose our will at the expense of another? The drive to make self richer while rendering another poorer continually finds subtle ways to adorn itself. [5] As with the first question, there is only one response that can even possibly correspond with reality. And it rests on the lone, sensible answer to the first question – our origin.

Being free and as time passed, our primal parents breached the preconditions of their Creator and chose to rebel. Indeed, they fell. It is properly called “the Fall” of man. In so doing, they forfeited it all except the continuing concern of God and were expelled from the utopia into which they had been placed, with enmity being placed between them and the Creator.

Along with being at complete odds with their Maker came hostility from their environment. This meant that making provisions for necessities of life would be met with resistance and would have to be earned by “sweat of the brow”. [6] Not only did their choice sever the communication line with their Creator, but their promise of an unending, truly good life was forfeited also. During their now terminal lifespan, the “sweat of their brow” would be accompanied by unending sorrow, illness, disappointment, pain, and finally death – eternal separation from their Creator. Born with this inherited sinful nature, we are yet responsible to the same Creator and remain under the identical, terrible sentence.

Like all others, I am a possessor of that same sinful nature. Continually, I mean to do good. I want to conform to the will of my Creator. I want to please Him, and I am much happier when I know I have done so. Yet in 1947, the nature that had been passed through eons of time and generations was passed to me also. Thus, I, too, must acknowledge that …. when I would do good, evil is present with me. [7] So, I can only conclude that when left to our own devised solutions, which have all failed, we are in a “mess” – truly lost, without God, and without hope. That is what has gone wrong.

      • Third, HOW CAN “WHAT HAS GONE WRONG” BE FIXED, or can it be fixed at all? We could call this the third of the four legs which support the biblical worldview platform. If there truly was a divine Creator, and if humankind was really the crown of what He created, then why did He sentence all succeeding generations to a labor-laden life that would end in death, then followed by an everlastingly dark and dreary separation from Him? In His infinite foreknowledge, the Creator knew that once He left His creation to their own freewill and even with all the forewarnings, mankind would fail. We would stray and choose not to hold fast to the seemingly simple expectations of our Maker.

Yet, since the Creator had an infinite love for the lone part of His creation that possessed a living soul, a way for reconciliation was devised. From near the beginning, God had revealed that breaching the law of the Creator required the shedding of innocent blood for reconciliation. No exception would be made. As time passed, the Creator would use tablets of stone on which to reduce His laws to writing, apparently so they could be more effectively passed along without error.

Then, at the appointed time, which was known beforehand only to the Creator, lo and behold, He would appear on Earth in the form of a mortal newborn Himself. His name was called Jesus. After a truly miraculous conception and lowly birth, He would progressively exemplify how He meant life to be lived from the beginning – with love like the world had not yet seen and with humility like the world could not fathom. His life would be lived in perfect conformity with the laws that mortals found impossible to continually fulfill. Then after foretelling to His several followers how it would transpire, He would submit to a horrible death by crucifixion. The shedding of His innocent blood would reconcile the sin debt for all who would turn to Him for salvation from their horrible and inescapable fate. Yet, His death was not the end.

The greatest part of the greatest story ever told would be discovered on the third day following His horrendous death. It would be the day during which He was seen resurrected and much alive, appearing and talking with those who had trusted what He had taught about who He was.

Many more facts would unfold during the coming weeks but suffice it to believe that the death on that cross two-thousand years ago paid the penalty charged to every mortal of every age of time. And it’s purely a gift when the individual simply comprehends his or her desperate state and places full faith in the penalty paid at the cross by Jesus for the redemption of any who will come.

So, with firm faith we still contend that the death of Jesus on the cross provides the only answer to mankind’s greatest menace – how to find peace with God, peace with all our neighbors, and peace within our own troubled souls.

Admittedly, this is a much shortened and simplified version of what I am convinced is a biblical worldview. In summary, yes, our sorry state can be fixed, and this biblical worldview explains the lone plan.

      • Fourth, FOR WHAT PURPOSE AM I HERE? What is human life all about? Is there any factual purpose for human life at all? Are we simply born, breathe for a while, then die and eventually become food for worms in a natural chain that emulates the empty life cycle of a dumb brute, or even a tree? This fourth leg of the biblical worldview is affirmed by general acceptance of the three previous points. Actually, if either of the first three of the four-pronged biblical worldview contained within the brief discussion above are missed, then we regress to being hopeless and doomed to a chaotic life where love is a farce, and nothing has any meaning that lasts.

But, thanks to the Creator passing to the human entity a capacity to love and to sacrifice for another and to comprehend a Creator and why He has us here, we have hope. In fact, humanity was and remains the lone part of all creation which even has the capacity to hope and to sacrificially love at all. And, it all derives from the likeness built into us by our Creator.

So, what is our purpose? Being at enmity with our Creator from birth, somehow the communications barrier must be breached and removed. Until then, we remain estranged, and, besides repentance, God expects nothing from one with an unredeemed nature of sin. We may perform lots of good works that give others a hand up in many ways, yet without reconciliation to our Creator, then according to the word He left, it’s all for naught. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [8] It is a sentence with no appeal.

In a letter to the believers at Corinth, the Apostle Paul warned that …though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [9] , it profiteth me nothing. [10] Several centuries prior to the apostle’s observation, the prophet Micah was inspired to write, Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? [11]

Yet, such a depth of love cannot be generated by the carnal nature with which all are naturally born. With this lies the key to it all. In His infinite wisdom, God, our Creator, would suffer and give His own lifeblood in our stead so a new nature can be generated within. It is well said that He is Savior and Lord. His name is Jesus, and for good reason, Christians call Him the Christ! And how does that “new birth” happen? We must realize that we are all estranged from God and have not the capacity to reconcile ourselves to our Creator; then, out of total humility and faith believing that He will deliver, ask Him to reclaim our souls for eternity.

Words cannot explain nor can feelings alone at the time furnish proof that something new has been born – a new child of God. [12] Unnumbered elements may deceive and convince that a new birth has taken place, but the Creator is never misled. And, be assured that Satan invariably seeks to con the former seeker. Yet, lone proof shows forth by appearance of the professed new nature and by being manifested in the new attitude toward those being met along the way. We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren. [13]

So, for what purpose are we here? What is human life all about? Is there any factual objective for human life at all? The biblical worldview reveals a purpose to which each child of God should be committed – to recommend Christ to all those with whom we come in contact along the road of life by emulating Jesus in both word and deed. That is the great aim that we have in view. That is the lone purpose for our being.


[1] I still wonder about the origin of that phrase “gained their wings”.

[2] Seldom is mentioned the One who promised He would prepare such a place, though but for only the comparatively few souls who would be redeemed.

[3] I emphasize that I harbor no claim to any sort of franchise on all truth. Yet, let my remaining days be spent in its pursuit.

[4] I was raised as a “conservative” – to respect tradition, to be careful with changes, to “not tear down a fence before knowing the reason for it having been placed there in the first place.” I still embrace that. Yet, at the cost of much pain and anguish, I have learned that when conscience bids that tradition be bucked, expect to face a formidable and often vicious foe.

[5] Example: The lottery and public gambling, where, for me to win and become richer, teeming numbers of others must lose and become poorer. Granted, all participate voluntarily, yet the heart motive is to become richer at the expense of others, many of whom can ill afford the loss. Is such a motive not a classic definition of “stealing”? Yet, clever advertisement tethers the lottery to a major means of educating our kids, or just as another pastime, thus the lottery is granted a pass as being okay.

[6] In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Genesis 3:19, Authorized King James Version, Holy Bible

[7] Romans 7:21; Authorized King James Version; Holy Bible.

[8] Matthew 7: 22-23 ; Authorized King James Version, Holy Bible; ibid Luke 13: 24-28

[9] “Charity”: A love that emulates that of God; a willingness to sacrifice self without expecting anything in return.

[10] Ibid 1 Corinthians 13:3

[11] Ibid Micah 6:7-8

[12] Note that the perpetrators of the attacks on September 11, 2001 ‘felt” they were performing God’s will. Can any doubt exist that their persuasion was total? This point contends that “feelings” alone, with no subsequent change in nature or orientation toward God’s truth, are not invariable evidence that a new birth has taken place at all.

[13] Ibid 1 John 3:14