I Was A Sharecropper’s Son is an autobiography, self-published by the author, Travis W. Lewis of Lexington, Tennessee, in 2023. The book begins with an account of the murder of the author’s grandfather in 1921, followed by a narrative of his parents’ lives prior to marriage. The opening describes the desperation of a widow left […]
Our father, Ollie Erastus Lewis, aka Daddy, was born December 31, 1906 to Cornelius Lafayette “Fayette” Lewis, aka Grandpa, 1877-1922 and Louella Scott Lewis, aka Granny, 1880-1956. Daddy was the fourth of ten children and was visually impaired from birth. He was next to the oldest who remained at home when his father was mortally […]
The book cover painting depicts an old man with stooped shoulders, silver hair, and holding his page of memories in hand. Near sunset, he stands onsite of his childhood home and speaks to a five-year old, who surveys the remains of the same, long since vacated homeplace, and listens as his elder relates lessons attained […]